Emails + Newsletters

Woman looking at computer with phone in her hand.

Emails and newsletters
are the most reliable ways to consistently reach customers.

When a customer hands over their email address to you, they are giving you an invitation to connect with them – a personal invitation into their inbox, and it’s an invitation any business should take seriously.

Weekly emails are an opportunity for your business to keep customers up-to-date on brand news, promote upcoming events or sales, and showcase products, services, or blog posts. The opportunity to connect with your customers is boundless.

99% of people check their email every day. And this is the preferred way people like to receive updates about brands they follow.

59% of email subscribers say that emails influence their purchasing decisions.

And here’s the BONUS of email marketing: email generates $38 for every $1 spent.

That’s a BIG return on your investment.

Let’s create emails
they can’t wait to open and provide offers they can’t wait to click on.

Do you have these 7 email sequences in place? If not, we need to talk!

  1. Welcome email sequence

  2. Lead nurturing email sequence

  3. Onboarding email sequence

  4. Re-engagement email sequence

  5. Abandoned cart email sequence

  6. Upsell & cross-sell email sequence

  7. Feedback sequence