You Need a Copywriter for Your Business: 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire One

A question I sometimes hear is, “Why should I hire a copywriter when I can write it myself?” And it’s a valid question.

(And yes, clients now ask, “Why not just use AI?” Another valid question. But I don’t address it in this blog. If that’s what you want to read, follow this link.)

I imagine you’ve encountered this resistance with your own business. You have an amazing product or service that can solve a problem for people. But sales are slow. Why can’t anyone see the brilliance that is your product?

It’s because they don’t know why it’ll work for them. Or why your service can solve their particular problem. Or they don’t understand why the money is worth the investment into your product.

And that’s because it hasn’t been explained in a way that shows them the value of your service or product. A skilled copywriter can help you with that.

To help you understand the value of a copywriter, here are 5 reasons clients have hired me and how I helped solve their problems.

Two women shaking hands.

So why should you hire a copywriter?

You should hire a copywriter if you're just too busy running your business.

Because a copywriter is a time-saving expense.

When someone buys your product, they’re not just buying a product. They’re buying a solution. And often at the heart of all solutions is the quest for more time.

The same goes for hiring a copywriter. 

Yes, you want amazing writing that will push sales and nurture relationships. But ultimately, you want more time. 

Time to focus on developing a new product you’ve been planning for months. Time to attend a conference and network with potential buyers. Time to go on that beach vacation with your family.

But it’s hard to have that time when you’re running your business and have so many other pressing tasks – like childcare and running your household. And there’s little space for your own self-care, let alone time to create copy. 

Writing good copy – the kind that gets people excited and lights a fire under your newest service – is a lengthy process. Especially when it’s not your skillset or a task you resist completing.

So hire a copywriter and delegate this crucial task to free up your time.

When I first started my business, I set up my website on Squarespace because I didn’t have any money to hire a designer. But if I had the funds, I would have hired a web designer without question. 

Because the time I took learning how to use Squarespace, finding images, and then fiddling with all the options, styles, colors, and fonts, is time I could have been working on building business or marketing.

Let a copywriter alleviate some of your burdens and allow you to focus on your core responsibilities or find a better work-life balance (like some time to drink your coffee before it goes cold).

Woman laying her head on a desk with pen in hand staring at blank paper

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels


You should hire a copywriter if you don’t like writing.

Because a copywriter understands writing is storytelling. And stories are powerful.

Maybe you struggle with finding words that show your passion for your business. And the words you do find are flat, uninteresting, and just not what you want to say.

Maybe it feels weird talking about yourself. And everything you say sounds disingenuous or corny, making you squirm with embarrassment.

Or maybe you’ve never been very good at writing and having to create copy for your business makes you all itchy and irritated.

For a copywriter, writing, and wordsmithing is their passion.

And they couldn’t be happier helping you take the magic that is your business and bottle it into words that showcase it for customers.

A skilled copywriter will help capture and communicate your story with your customers to create an emotional connection and set you apart from your competitors. Because ultimately, even though buyers go through all the practical steps of making a buying decision – it’s emotion that wins out every time.

For example, I find a dress that’s on sale. So it checks the box for being a good buy and keeping within my budget. The sale price may be the practical reason for buying, but it won’t drive the sale.

Here’s what will – when I look in the mirror, do I like what I see? Do I feel beautiful or sexy or like a dancer when the skirt swishes around my legs? That’s all emotional. And that will drive the sale more than any dollar amount.

So if your story connects with your customer, they’ll choose you over your competitors every time.

One part I enjoy about working with women-owned businesses and moms is they usually have a unique and inspiring story behind why they started their company. And the interesting path they’ve taken to grow their business.

For instance, I love the brand story of Blueland. They create non-toxic, environmentally-friendly cleaning products and “forever” containers to use those products.

Blueland was started by a mom who wanted products in her home that were safe to use around her children and reduce her plastic usage. Her story connected with me because I want the same for my family.

And she also wanted to design a product that makes it easy to be eco-friendly because she understands how much moms already juggle. I discovered it through her story and messaging.

If your story about why you started your business or how you’ve kept it going for the last few years isn’t connecting with your customers, that’s a problem.

Let a copywriter help you highlight your unique journey so customers choose your business every time.

Woman sitting at desk looking at financial documents

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels


You should hire a copywriter if you’re struggling to make sales.

Because copywriting is a science that blends words and psychology that builds connections and trust with customers – ultimately creating conversions.

You know your business, you know your product, and you know your customers.

But you don’t necessarily know what makes good copy that inspires enough trust that a customer will pay you for your solution.

You want your content to sell. You want customers to read what you have, like what it says, and make the sale.

That’s what you want. But it’s not what you’re getting. Maybe sales have flatlined or haven’t been happening at all.

So you hire a copywriter to create effective copy that generates sales.

Now, I’m not saying copywriting is a magic bullet that will cure every issue with sales. If there are issues with the product or your customer service, copywriting won’t fix that.

But well-written copy will allow you to see where the issue lies – because you now know you have copy that is clear, impactful, and targeted to speak to your customer’s specific problem. And speaks to their needs and desires.

Because a copywriter understands the power of persuasion. They understand what motivates your buyer and can put it into words that create action.

Four women looking at a laptop pointing and talking.

Photo by Alena Shekhovtcova from Pexels


You should hire a copywriter if you're struggling to reach a wider audience or see the value of what you do.

Because a copywriter can bring a fresh perspective into messaging, unique angles, and new approaches.

When you’re in the thick of it, it’s hard to see how your messaging may no longer resonate with your customers.

Or hard to see how what seems like such an obvious, unique feature to you is not fully understood or used by your clients.

A copywriter can help with this.

Let a copywriter show your audience how this wonderful feature you have is actually an amazing benefit.

Let a copywriter shift the perspective of your copy so your new, wider audience can see themselves using your product to solve their problems.

Because it can be a crowded market out there and difficult to be heard above the noise. So it’s not about being unique as it is about being choosable.

For instance, we buy our toilet paper from reel. There are lots of toilet paper companies out there and we could choose any of them. So why reel?

First, they make their toilet paper from bamboo, making it a sustainable choice (which I’m trying to make more choices like this for my family). Okay, but so what? They’re not the only bamboo toilet paper company out there.

Well, I choose them because of the experience they create through their packaging. They package their toilet paper in this dark-colored bamboo wrapping and it comes in a dark-colored box that makes it feel like a real luxury to buy.

Their packaging choice made them choosable.

So let’s do the same for your business and make you choosable.

Woman looking frustrated with head in hands staring at computer

Photo by Yan Krukau from Pexels


You should hire a copywriter if you have copy you don’t love or are stuck on a problem you can’t solve.

Because a copywriter will fix that copy or help figure out how to get around the problem.

Sometimes the problem is you no longer love your copy because it no longer serves where you are in your business.

Or you know what you want to say but just don’t know how to say it.

Or you have an obstacle in your business that you can figure out how to get around – like struggling to get organic traffic to your website or an ebook with few downloads.

Let a copywriter use their expertise to fix these problems.

For example, a client I worked with saw a major decrease in their daily website traffic after several competitors figured out a few holes in their marketing.

To help get their search engine rankings back to where they used to be, we revamped old blogs to optimize them for search engines (aka SEO). I also pointed out how their current blog formatting was affecting their reach.

When you write, you write for 3 readers – the skimmer, the digger, and Google. They had a lot of great information a digger would love. But they didn’t have enough subheadings or bolds/italics to make it easier for skimmers or Google to read (because Google loves subheadings).

So we set up a new formatting guideline for the blogs to take advantage of these simple changes that impact SEO.

And they also started being more strategic in their new blogs, having me write for keywords their competitors exploited. After a few months, they saw an uptick in their organic traffic and started ranking back in the top 3 spots for keywords that were important to their business.

Do your business a favor, hire a copywriter. And go from bland to brilliant copy!

If I’ve convinced you it’s time to hire a copywriter, drop me a message or set up a free consultation to talk about what you need for your business.

I can’t wait to connect with you!

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